Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Moss Motorsports, LLC

Hardcore thugs of Randy Moss' caliber just became NASCAR fans. I can't wait for guys like these to start showing up at races.

"'Fuck you mean 'BLACK' flag?!"

Full Story HERE.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday Night Terrible

Saturday Night Live these days is fucking god awful. It's like getting a blowjob with a condom on; you know you've enjoyed this before, you know you should be enjoying this, but it's just not cutting it.


Something's been eating me for a long time now and it's way past due for discussion.

Why do people harp so much on people who pop their collars? There are a bunch of "Anti Collar-Poppers Association" groups on facebook for morons to join, and they even go as far as to think they're important by having "chapters" of the "Association" (e.g. Anti Collar-poppers Association: Lafayette Chapter"). This shit really gets to me, not as a defender of the collar-popping style, but because most of the people that make or join these groups are little emo assholes or fat zeros who think they are so much better than the rest of society for not conforming. Get a life you chuffs. No one makes shitty little groups about your tight jeans and tattered Ramones t-shirts that are 8 sizes too small for you. You all think you're so hip and going against the grain for labeling someone else's style as pretentious. Maybe if you spent a little more time worrying about your own shit instead of bashing others for theirs you'd get laid every once in a while. I mean what's the big deal? Collar up, collar down, who cares. It's like if there were hundreds of groups that were the "Anti Converse All Stars With Funky Colored Laces And Shit Drawn All Over Them Association", people would freak out and get all defensive. The difference between those people and the kids that pop their collars is that the collar-poppers could care less what other people think of them and the ugly Converse kids are so insecure they have to go on the attack. You're weak.

Raisinets Are Grossly Underrated

Why is it that I only buy Raisinets like once every 3 years? These little fuckers are delicious. I guess they throw all their profit into lobbying for a spot under that glass counter at the movie theater because have you ever seen a commercial for Raisinets? Didn't think so.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

HAHA We Will Haunt You Motherfuckers

If you didn't already hear, they found a Red Sox jersey buried in cement at the construction site of the new Yankee Stadium in New York. It isn't as cool as if it were 50 years old, but finding one of David Ortiz' jerseys embedded in the cement is still pretty boss. You know some die-hard is going to sneak in there and bury another one so consider yourselves cursed, you pricks.

Read the full story HERE.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Fucking College Sports

I know the National Championship game was last night and shitty Kansas who no one important gives a shit about won, but I've been meaning to pick this bone since I saw Texas do this on their way to the Elite Eight; When did cutting down the net become something a team does after EVERY game? Back in my day that was for the champion, not some uppity team that made it past the third round.

Also, what the hell is up with Roy Williams wearing a Jayhawks shirt at the game last night? Didn't his team just lose to Kansas 2 days prior? I don't give a fuck if he coached at Kansas, UNC is his Alma Mmater and that's who he coaches now. So stop smiling, traitor.