Friday, February 1, 2008

Blogs, Generally Speaking

Well, usually when someone brings up a "blogger" around me I will launch into a little tiff about how stupid those people are, and how everyone just likes to hear themselves talk about their "point of view" or a "hip, not-so-new observation" and I use a lot of buzz-words like "emo fag" and "moron." But, it's high time I put my money where my mouth is, so I have decided to start this... blog... because I feel as if there needs to be balance. There are too many people on soap boxes out there who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground; and I've made it a moral imperative to tear each and every one of them down. Or at least be entertaining.

I'll try and remember this blog exists so I put something in every day or so. That way you'll have ample opportunity to comment on what a shitty job I'm doing.

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